Etiqueta 'Son Banya'
National Police officer at the Son Banya shanty town in Palma, Mallorca

National Police officer at the Son Banya shanty town in Palma, Mallorca

National Police officer in Son Banya.

Alejandro Sepúlveda 25/06/2023

Son Banya in Palma, Mallorca, and a baby who suffered burns from boiling water

Son Banya in Palma, Mallorca, and a baby who suffered burns from boiling water

Son Banya and the baby who suffered the burns.

MDB 19/01/2023

Demolition at the Son Banya shanty town in Palma, Mallorca

Demolition at the Son Banya shanty town in Palma, Mallorca

Demolition work restarted on Wednesday.

Teresa Ayuga 30/11/2022

Drugs operation in Son Banya, Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Police inspector arrested for drugs tip-off

The deputy inspector is said to have "a close relationship" with a Son Banya drugs dealer.

Andrew Ede28/07/2022 08:30

Son Banya shanty town in Palma, Mallorca

Son Banya shanty town in Palma, Mallorca

Son Banya continues to be a centre for the drugs trade.

Alejandro Sepúlveda 06/03/2022

A squatter can be seen jumping from house to house through the backyards.

Latest headlines

Palma neighbourhood terrorised by squatter clan

Noises, threats, fights, confrontations with the police, children out of school and drugs create alarm in the neighbourhood.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/01/2022 10:02

Yolanda Díaz, Spain's employment minister.


Recoverable leave, reproduction number: the week in Majorca

The crisis was introducing us to new concepts; the Balearic government spoke about a reboot without much boot; and the residents of Son Banya manned the barricades.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/04/2020 19:51

Police attend Son Banya demolitions


Show Me The Money

Palma City Council is willing pay up to 20,000 euros to every family that leaves Son Banya voluntarily.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/02/2020 07:56