Etiqueta 'Mallorca Homeless'
Many homeless people prefer to sleep in caravans, settlements, or even outdoors rather than in public shelters.

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The Balearics become 'Nomadland': Homelessness swallows the working class

Just days ago, Palma City Council approved a new civic ordinance imposing fines of up to 1,500€ on individuals living in caravans within its jurisdiction.

MDB Digital25/12/2024 11:25

Homeless in Palma Airport, Mallorca

Homeless in Palma Airport, Mallorca

At night the airport is generally quiet.

Fernando Fernández 06/12/2024

Tent dwellers in Mallorca

Tent dwellers in Mallorca

A tent settlement in Palma.

Pere Bota 06/10/2024

Shanties in Palma Mallorca

Shanties in Palma Mallorca

Shanties in the Sa Riera Park.

MDB 26/07/2024

Homeless person living by the port in Palma Mallorca

Homeless person living by the port in Palma Mallorca

Living in the road works.

Miquel À. Cañellas 23/07/2024

The group of homeless people who have moved into the hospital.

The group of homeless people who have moved into the hospital.

The group of homeless people who have moved into the hospital.

Última hora 25/03/2024