Etiqueta 'Summer in Mallorca'
Summer in Mallorca

Summer in Mallorca

Summer in Mallorca

R.D. 17/06/2021

roast leg of pork with spices


Food and Wine: Basil & Mint -Most people’s favourite herbs for the hot months of summer

Now that the heat is fast approaching Mallorca, our Bulletin food expert shares with us some easy and refreshing recipes for this summer.

Andrew Valente27/05/2021 11:02

Lifeguards on a beach

Majorca tourism

Palma baywatch operation hits the beaches tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, lifeguards will patrol five beaches in Palma with the added task of ensuring compliance with the Covid beach protocol.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/04/2021 14:54

The Irish could be allowed to travel in late July or August

The Irish could be allowed to travel in late July or August

The Irish could be allowed to travel in late July or August.

R.L. 30/04/2021

People on the beach on Palma

People on the beach on Palma

People on the beach in Palma.

CATI CLADERA 07/04/2021


Mixed messages

“Mixed message from politicians are just making the problem more pronounced..”

Jason Moore02/02/2021 12:15

Passengers arrive at Palma airport.


You could soon be heading to Majorca

"Ministers are preparing to relax the UK’s two-week quarantine rules to save summer holidays abroad."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/06/2020 12:58

Spanish tourism


Spain will open gradually to tourism, with Europe first

Spain usually welcomes more than 80 million visitors each year, making it one of the most visited countries in the world, with tourism a key part of its economy.

Reuters29/05/2020 15:58

Sunny skies in Palma


Today's weather

The sun has returned this morning but clouds and rain expected later in the day.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/09/2019 10:15

Weather Map


Today's weather

Slightly cooler today with a chance of rain later in the afternoon.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/09/2019 10:18

Weather Map


Today's weather

Slightly cooler today with a chance of rain in some parts of the island later this afternoon.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/09/2019 10:01

Weather Map


Today's weather

Slightly warmer today but still with a chance of rain or hail later this afternoon.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter31/08/2019 10:09

Peter Clover on the summer holiday experience in Mallorca: what can you expect?

Peter Clover on the summer holiday experience in Mallorca: what can you expect?

Peter Clover on the summer holiday experience in Mallorca: what can you expect?

G. ALOMAR 27/08/2019

Weather map


Today's weather

The usual summer weather continues with clear skies and high temperatures.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/08/2019 07:52