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The vehicle checks carried out in Palma this week.

Latest headlines

Police crackdown on foreign plated cars in Mallorca

As a general rule, a non-resident can drive a foreign registered vehicle in Spain for up to six months in a calendar year.

Humphrey Carter23/02/2024 12:28

The problem of pirate taxis flares up every summer at Palma airport.


Britons warned against using illegal airport taxis in Spain

“Only use official registered or licensed taxis" is the advice from the British government.

Humphrey Carter22/02/2024 10:22

New travel tules and regulations fro Britons looming.


All Britons need to know about new travel visa and entry permit

This travel authorisation will have a maximum duration of 90 days.

Humphrey Carter19/02/2024 11:39

Easier border control options at Palma airport.


Palma airport introduces facial recognition

Don’t leave your ticket and ID at home when you have to fly.

Humphrey Carter13/02/2024 15:14

Make sure red British passports comply with rules and regulations.


British summer passport warning if flying to Mallorca

Since Brexit passports must be less than 10 years old on the day of arrival in the EU.

Humphrey Carter05/02/2024 12:47

Climate change will have a big impact on how people travel.


New carbon passport could restrict how we travel

Cruise ships pump four times as many sulphuric gases into the atmosphere than all of Europe’s 291 million cars combined.

Humphrey Carter28/11/2023 12:43