Police urging that all thefts by homeless at Palma Airport are reported

Mainly thefts from bars, but passengers have been victims

Concern about the growing number of homeless at the airport. | Fernando Fernández


The National Police are urging staff at Palma Airport to report thefts by homeless people. The patience of establishments at the airport has been greatly tested by a series of recent incidents, the thefts having been committed by homeless individuals who live at the airport. Bars and cafes have been targets. Alcohol is most commonly being stolen.

Thefts have also occurred in the check-in or boarding areas; passengers have been victims. These are generating a general sense of insecurity, and so the National Police are determined to clamp down. The Guardia Civil and private security at the airport have likewise called for all thefts to be reported.

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Security has been stepped up in the departures and arrivals terminals, the homeless in these areas including those who are different to a small number who were at the airport last year and didn't cause any issues.

Ahead of the tourism season, there is concern about these thefts and also about a growing number of homeless people at the airport. The airport management has said that it notifies social services of all cases of social exclusion that it is aware of, but now it is faced with a situation that requires firm action in order to stop the thefts.

A worry is that the homeless population at the airport may just keep on increasing. A previously softly-softly approach has had to change.