By Jason Moore

TURNCOAT or acting in the best interests of Majorca? This was the question being posed yesterday after the announcement that Majorcan Union leader, Maria Antonia Munar, had decided to pact with the conservative Partido Popular turning her back on her former allies, the socialists. For the last eight years Munar has been one of the key members of the so-called rainbow coalition of socialists and nationalists. On Wednesday night at 10.15p.m. she decided to jump ship and joined the conservatives. As direct result the Partido Popular under Jaume Matas can govern comfortably. Munar will become the President of the Council of Majorca. The reasons why Munar has dumped her former coalition partners is unclear although naturally the guy with the most votes is probably a better proposition. The pact could also mean that the new Calvia council will be decided with the Majorcan Unionists in the municipality toeing the party-line and joining forces with the Partido Popular. However, this still has to be confirmed and a day is a long time in politics as they say. The political jigsaw is now almost complete. The rainbow coalition will go down in history as a nice idea that failed. The fallout from Munar's decision is expected to be massive and it leaves former Balearic leader Francesc Antich with few options As a result of the PP-UM pact he will be sitting on the opposition benches for the next four years wondering where it all went wrong. Meanwhile, Munar is back in power again and the Balearics will soon have a new government. Yesterday's friends for Munar are tomorrow's politics enemies.