Dear Sir,

Subject: Golf in Majorca

I was staggered to read your report in Bulletinlast week: “Majorca crying out for British golfers”.
I had no idea that there were twenty golf courses on this island, covering many hectares in beautiful locations, for the exclusive use of a small minority who can afford the time and money to enjoy this passtime. According to the , Bulletin the existing courses are under-used yet FIVE more are in the process of construction. It does not make sense.

Over the years that I have lived in Majorca I have experienced the acute water shortages that Summer often brings. Hotel guests asked not to take baths, cut down on showers and be sparing with water when cleaning teeth. We have seen water tanked from the mainland to serve Palma and from time-to-time the Bulletin carries reports on the costs and installation of new desalination plants. We residents of Arta have our water supplies compulsorily cut for several hours every day in Summer in order to conserve precious water supplies.

In view of these water supply problems in Majorca, one must ask the question: How much water does it take to irrigate 25 golf courses, presumably at the expense of residents and the other thousands of visitors?

Is this matter ever discussed at Planning level? I found it hard to believe that EDAM gives its endorsement to this non-essential usage of such a valuable resource.

Yours truly
Ray Welby