Dear Sir,

THANK you for your kind remarks in Viewpoint (Saturday 13th November) regarding the correspondence between Mr Phillips and myself, (I have already given my final word on the subject), but I cannot allow M/s Davis to categorise the letters sent by Mr. Bentley and myself, as “ignorant and ill-considered”. These cheap and bombastic words do not add anything to an argument, they merely indicate the sort of person using them. I will willingly respect HER point of view, if, may I suggest, she recognises mine.

Phil Green, Son Ferrer

Dear Sir,

Iraq–war supporter Mr Green seems to be running out of arguments. Today (Saturday) in Letters to the Editor, he brings up that old canard about Saddam Hussein using WMD on “his own people”, and cites the Kurds. But the Kurds, Mr Green, are not, and never have been, Saddam's “own people”. Try asking a Kurd, any Kurd, if he has ever considered himself to be one of Saddam's ”own people”. He will laugh in your face. Or, more likely, he will spit in it.

As for the Shias, it is true that the Americans claim Saddam used WMD during the Iran–Iraq War. The Americans should know, of course, as they provided the weapons, and urged Saddam to use them.

But then again, those Iranian–Shia forces cannot accurately be described as Saddam's ”own people”, can they? Perhaps, Mr Green, you have been watching too much “Faux News”.

Lester W. Tattersall