By Jason Moore AN intriguing election campaign will reach its climax this weekend and the Bulletin will be there. On Monday we will be publishing a second edition of our Sun/Mon newspaper with all the election results from across the island. Naturally, we will be giving full coverage to areas where the so-called foreign votes make the most difference. This election campaign has been the most interesting to date for non-Spanish voters, especially in Calvia, where the three main parties have been courting their vote. It has also been an election about issues; more police, more winter tourism, whether or not the cricket club should move or not, have all been proposals which will have struck a chord with non-Spanish voters. It has become an all-party election.

I think Calvia must take the prize for the most number of election posters and banners. I have never seen anything like it. I think there is one attached to every tree and lamp-post. At the moment I would say that the election in the area is too close to call. One of the surprises has been the Majorcan Unionists who attracted 1'300 at an election rally in Calvia over the weekend. I sincerely doubt that either the Partido Popular or the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) will win an overall majority and probably Calvia will be governed by a coalition. However, we will have to wait and see and you can find out in Monday's Bulletin special edition.