Dear Sir,

IT'S interesting to hear that Sr Antich (PSOE) is taking the moral high ground regarding alleged corruption within the main opposition party. Perhaps he would like to remember that not long ago one of his own party was/and is some cases - still is, under investigation for the same thing regarding Sra Najera.

The UM party is not exempt from investigation either - with one of its members investigated for the use of “dead persons details” to obtain travel discounts and the use of public funds to finance family members to accompany her on a supposed “fact-funding mission” (holiday) to some obscure destination. Other UN members are also being investigated.

When cases against said individuals are “archivo” (shelved) surely this means names have not been cleared? What is even more amazing is some individuals are still appointed to public office - or even promoted! What a sorry state of affairs! “A double whammy” - not only on the use of public funds - but we continue to pay them.

Its time for civil servants to take over the control of money and cross party officials to oversee major projects such as:

New Hospital

Ring Road

Conference Centre (completed date 2019!)

Playa de Palma After all, the government could have changed hands several times before the projects are completed - and as was proved by the “New Hospital”, political objections/delays have cost the islands time and money. The judiciary is failing us - it's time to put it's house in order and lead by example - something the politicians are failing to do.

Yours sincerely, M. Irving
Portals Nous