By Jason Moore

WELL the polls got it right; we have a “hung parliament” but these same pollsters got it very wrong when it came to the Liberal Democrats. Nick Clegg has gone from being the new Winston Churchill and Britain´s Obama to the man who came a distant third in the election with less seats than the last time. You have to remember that just a week go the Liberal Democrats, in one poll, were on course for victory; they spent most of the election campaign in second place and in the end they come a very distant third. So how does this happen? Was Cleggmania just hype?

I think it was probably a case of “in difficult times stick with the party you know”. Now, Clegg will help to form the next government but with just a handful of seats he can´t demand too much from the Conservatives or Labour. It was a very bad night for the Liberal Democrats and in some ways underlined the fact that Britain is still a two-party state. The British public have had their say and they backed Cameron and to a lesser extent Brown. I wonder at the next general election whether the Liberal Democrats will be asked to join the debates on television. Judging by their poll showing the debates which Clegg allegedy won have done little to improve their fortunes. Britain remains red and blue.