by Jason Moore

I was quite amazed to read in Sunday´s Bulletin that 3'000 demonstrations have taken place in the Balearics in the space of a year against the Spanish government of Mariano Rajoy. It must be remembered that Rajoy won the Spanish general elections a year ago by a landslide and he is now deeply unpopular as a result of the major spendings cuts which he has introduced. Everyone knew when he came to power that major reductions in spending needed to be introduced because all the Spanish administrations were deeply indebt. So how was Rajoy meant to tackle the enormous government deficit without cutting spending? Answers on a postcard please! There was no easy fix for the Spanish economy. Obviously, spending had to be reduced. If Rajoy had not introduced the major austerity cuts then Spain would be facing financial meltdown. Now, the opposition socialists and the Labour Party in Britain are always quick to criticise spending cuts. But at the end of the day it was thanks to Prime Minister Rodriguez Zapatero and Prime Minister Gordon Brown that we are in this mess in the first place. If both Zapatero and Brown had cut spending when they were in power things would have been alot different today. Now, no-one likes cutting spending. Infact the austerity measures which have been introduced by Rajoy will probably mean that his chances of re-election are even slimmer. Unfortunately getting economies back on track is never easy and always painful.