by Jason Moore

The decision by the police to cutback on their translation service is rather stupid because afterall we do live on an island which is visited by at least seven million tourists a year. Usually, the National Police employs translators at their main police stations to deal with the small army of tourists who come through their doors every summer. But because of budget cuts the service has been axed. What next? Tourists will be told to learn Spanish before they come here on holiday? Or if you get mugged or your bag snatched don't forget to keep your dictionary safe because you will need it to explain to the nice police officer what exactly happened! Obviously the Spanish government is trying to find ways to save money without annoying the local population. Tourists are only here for 10 days a year and they won´t complain. But it is just another example of stupid and silly legislation which could have a deep affect on tourism. At the moment we should be bending over backwards to welcome tourists and ensure that they have a trouble free visit. I just think that at the moment Spain has forgotten that a sizeable part of its Gross Domestic Product comes from tourism. From outrageous prices to stupid legislation and now the axing of vital tourism services, I think the Spanish authorities need to get a grip. The only way that the Spanish economy is going to recover is through tourism. Tourists equal cash equal end of recession and future well being!