by Humphrey Carter

He may well have spent over an hour at Pinewood Studios, home of James Bond, Harry Potter, Superman and the Carry On films but I wonder which one of those sagas would the Balearic President Jose Ramon Bauza cast himself in and what about the diminutive Minister for Tourism and Sports, Carlos Delgado - somewhere in Harry Potter I would guess or, judging by his reputation with the British tourist industry, the Carry On films?

Touring the studios would have allowed Bauza to momentarily forget how his new tourism and economic policies have angered the Balearic hoteliers and car hire sector but, he would have come face to face with them at a reception last night.

Maybe Delgado was on hand like ‘Q' with a few handy gadgets in case agent Bauza got into a spot of bother.
Granted, if Bauza, and we must not forget Pedro Barbadillo from the Mallorca Film Commission, can lure Pinewood to set up a branch here in Majorca, it will be a coup the island would be right to be proud of.

Not only would it generate a great deal of income for the local economy and create new jobs, it would also boost the island's image no end.
But, yesterday was not all about following in the footsteps of great film stars for an hour or so, it was about helping the Balearics shine at the World Travel Market and using a bit of Bond-style charm on the British tour operators.