by Jason Moore

SMALL retailers are suffering from the downturn in trade on the high street and many have reported a bleak Christmas. Takings have nose-dived and many small shops say that they are unable to compete against the big stores. It must be very difficult for them and many are facing closure. But unfortunately they need to move with the times. I was in Palma on the evening of Christmas Day. The city centre was packed with people. I have never seen it so busy. But unfortunately all the shops were closed. The coffee shops and bars were open and they were exceptionally busy. Now, obviously no-one wants to work on Christmas Day but sometimes survival rates higher than enjoying a good festive season. Shops need to open when shoppers are about not when they think that they should open. Some of the big stores opened on Boxing Day but many of the smaller shops were closed for business. Why? It is no good moaning later. Small shops are facing a battle for survival but at the moment they are losing the battle. It is not easy but the only way forward is extended opening hours Christmas Day included. During the summer months shops need to be open late to catch the tourist trade. I don´t understand why the smaller retailers say they are suffering when a record number of tourists came to the island this year and allegedly spent a record amount of money. So my advice is stop moaning and start opening!