The first ITV programme on “Infamous” Magalluf was, to my mind, an absolute travesty. Consisting of the so-called exploits of a group of young men and women at the resort for a long weekend. Rarely have I seen such a farrago of incomprehensible accents (mainly Lancastrian) by giggling girls and their male counterparts, who meet at a hotel, linking up each night to go ‘partying' There was practically little action, monosyllabic talk, of which I could understand nothing. A few shots of them at a bar, a bare glimpse of so-called dancing, and so to bed. The reputed violence, muggings and intimidation, never once shown or mentioned.

This went on for three more days in a sequence of isolated trivial incidents. Honestly, there is more action at a church fete, or Women's Institute meeting, than at “Notorious Magalluf!” The Bulletin, in an article used the phrase, “An exposé of Magalluf”. It turned out to be like a poor photo, very much under exposed. “Sex and Violence”, don't make me laugh. There are more shenanigans at a Kindergarden than at “Wicked” Magalluf! If there are to be five similar episodes to come, I shudder to think. I, for one would sooner listen to “The Archers”, than this tripe.

Yours Sincerely, Phil Green
El Toro
P.S. Thinking about your suggestion to change the name of Magalluf, and my letter to you on what can only be described as an innocuous picture of the resort, by the ITV programme, the name should be: SAN INNOCENTE !!