I was hoping to stay out of the Magalluf debate and all the shock horror, real or imagined, that goes with it. However, I feel I must reply to your Viewpoint article in yesterday's (Jan 10th) edition. Your rather glib and patronizing comments about it being a ‘fun resort', that Magalluf ‘does what it says on the tin', that you ‘would never go there on holiday' or ‘if you don't like it don't go there' conveniently overlooks the status of hundreds of local residents who have no choice in the matter. Local residents I hasten to add, who are presented with an enormous tax bill from Calvia council every year for the privilege of living here. I think I'm right in saying that Calvia has one of the highest property and rubbish collection taxes on the island, if not in all Spain. So spare a thought for the local residents who have to put up with the dregs of Britain that wash up on our beaches every summer. When the flotsam and jetsam washes up on your particular doorstep perhaps you'll read what it says on the tin a little more carefully.

Steve Humphries