by Jason Moore

The Magalluf seen in the British TV programme on Monday night is set to disappear. The massive investment announced for the resort will effectively mean that the old Magalluf will die and the new Magalluf will take over. Theme parks, new hotels and up-market bars and restaurants are all on the horizon. Perhaps in years to come the Truth About Magalluf will remind us how the resort was and how it is today. Tourism to Majorca is changing; Magalluf is no longer a “British resort”, it is also exceptionally popular with Russian tourists as well. This is a market which will continue to develop. A complete change in Magalluf might not be a bad thing. I think everyone is getting rather tired and bored of seeing programmes like The Truth About Magalluf. It does not show British youth in a good light, in doesn´t really show Magalluf in a good light. Change is coming soon. Millions of euros are being spent on Magalluf and it will soon become the envy of Majorca rather than the “black sheep of the family.” A sizeable number of the tourists who go to Magalluf at the moment will go elsewhere and a different market will come in. When I speak to Majorcans about Magalluf or Arenal they always say that it is a stain on Majorca´s good image. They also say that the tourists who go to these resorts contribute little to the local economy. They might be right but Magalluf can look forward to a bright future and thankfully change is good.