By Jason Moore I must be honest, I have never been a great fan of the Liberal Democrats. They have always appeared to me to be a party for those who can't decide whether they want to vote Conservative or Labour. The reason why their share of the vote increased substantially at the last general election is not because they had convinced a large proportion of the electorate that they were a party of power it was because the other two parties were in such a mess many turned to the good old Lib-Dems to register their disapproval. One thing you could say about them though, was that their heart was in the right place and they appeared to be the party of the “good guys.” They were the party of no confrontation and of compromise. Until last week. Rather stupildy they sacked their leader, who despite his illness, was still streets ahead of anyone else, they can muster. Even wounded Kennedy, is far better than Menzies, Oaten or Hughes, who are political lightweights. I believe that the reasons why the knives were out for Kennedy, was his own success. Yes, he increased their share of the vote and rather stupidly Lib Dem MPs started to believe that they were the party of opposition or even government. Rather than sit back and use their new-found strength they sack their leader in a most unpleasant manner because they feared that new Conservative leader David Cameron's new look Party would stop their progress and perhaps even steal their seats. Talk about scoring an own goal. If they were vulnerable before they are now just sitting ducks.