Dear Sir,

I have never written to a newspaper before, but after reading Mr Morris' letter I began to think that maybe their might be good reasons after all. I found myself in total agreement with everything he said. It is warmer on the mainland, property is cheaper there, the cost of living is lower, their are less of those annoying ticket touts there, that now seem to infest every street corner of this island and which are hated by holiday maker and resident alike. The service in many shops and other businesses is terrible with the customer made to feel that they are intruding on the ever present phone call, bookkeeping task or conversation that the assistant is having. Recent visitors to our home from the mainland were shocked at the prices in many of the local bars, some drinks were as much as 100 percent higher than where they live, they were saddened by the amount of disrepair, neglect and graffiti that they saw, not to mention attempting to walk between the ever present piles of dog dirt that is now everywhere. Their seems an enormous lack of leadership and of basic business acumen, it must be said “that if incompetence was incontinence, then their would be a lot of people around with very wet clothing” It saddens me to write this as I love this island, but the lure of the mainland is getting stronger within me. Come on you so called leaders, ”digitus extractus” or let those that can.

K.J.Humphrey, Calvia