By Ray Fleming

IN one of the angry statements made on Monday by Trevor Kavanagh, the associate editor of Rupert Murdoch's The Sun newspaper, he referred to the way in which “some of the best journalists in Fleet Street have ended up being arrested on evidence handed to the police by News Corporation.” The US-based News Corporation is the ultimate employer of all Rupert Murdoch staff and its Management Standards Committee has recently been busy vetting some millions of Sun staff emails that might be useful to the Metropolitan Police's inquiries into possible offences against the Prevention of Corruption Act.

Mr Kavanagh's statement was of interest because of the slip he made in referring to “Fleet Street”.
The Murdoch newspapers have long been at Wapping but the spirit of many of their older journalists is probably still that of the good old days of Fleet Street.

The demise of the News of the World following its phone-hacking scandal was bad enough but the scale and seriousness of the allegations facing The Sun promise to be worse.

James Murdoch, Rupert's son, once told an MP's inquiry that despite its huge circulation the News of the World was a relatively insignificant part of the Murdoch empire.

The fear of Trevor Kavanagh and others is that the same may soon be said of The Sun.