WE read that the current leaders of the “UM” party (i.e. those left who are not on bail or with their passports confiscated) are looking for a new logo for their organisation as they feel it is, “contaminated”.

Obviously it needs to be snappy, easily recognisable and convey the party's family philosophy. I have written to them suggesting that, “MAFIA” ticks the boxes and that should they adopt my proposal I have suggested that they can pay my six figure creative fee out the Consel's “Ski Sa Pobla” tourist promotional account and (to show my integration with local culture and custom) to be delivered via my step-nephew, twice removed in unmarked banknotes in a large, eco-recycled shopping bag in the Alcampo car park.

Yours, John Rule, Sol de Mallorca


I have been reading with interest the debate on Quality Tourism and in particular the debate around holiday lets. I own an apartment on the island and up until a couple of years ago let to tourists privately to help us fund our dream of owning a holiday home.

However with the clampdown and the prospect of a neighbour reporting us to the authorities we decided to stop for the fear of a fine. As a result we reluctantly had to cancel guests bookings for the forthcoming year and for the past two years the apartment sits empty for 48 weeks a year. Prior to stopping letting out to tourists, 45 weeks in the year the apartment was occupied by independent travellers. They would fly to the island using the low cost carriers (is there a link with the clampdown on illegal lets a couple of years ago to the large reduction in airlines coming to the airport), they would eat in restaurants or shop in the local supermarket, use taxis & hire cars etc. I would estimate that an average guest staying in my apartment would spend in total 1'000euros on the island. Over 45 weeks this is 45'000 Euros lost to the local economy just from one apartment. The argument could be that its gone to the Hotel sector, but all the guests who I informed that I had to cancel their accommodation opted to go elsewhere or book another apartment. None of them wanted to stay in a hotel as they wanted the privacy and space an apartment/villa can offer. The tourist board should not focus on just one sector of holiday maker. Some people like myself will not stay in a Hotel when they go on holiday as they hate the fact of being ready for meals at certain times and only having a bedroom to live in for two weeks. Some tourists think there is nothing better than a Hotel holiday and love the all inclusive aspect and benefits that type of holiday offers. The island has a wide range of facilities that cater for all tastes, from the beauty of Palma, to the wild nights in Magalluf. The tourist board needs to focus on being good at catering for all types of tourist and allow a choice of holiday and not force everybody into a hotel and focus on a certain type of tourist. By restricting choice you are restricting the number of people who will visit.

Like the majority of private renters I'm happy to comply to legislation and pay taxes to the economy to ensure a standard is met. I have tried on a number of occasions to contact the relevant authorities to get a response on the stance with illegal lettings and the definition of what is deemed an illegal let. Despite my attempts nobody has had the courtesy to reply to me.

Dean Harding, Paignton. UK.