Dear Sir,

The Baleares Symphony Orchestra has given enjoyment to innumerable of us over many years, and it would be a sad day were it to disband through lack of funding. However, for the Bulletin to state that its funding may be reduced by 79% is simply scaremongering. Assuming all three supporters reduce their contribution by the amounts stated, and assuming equal support from each source, the reduction will be the average of the three figures given, i.e. 26%. Still tough, but Majorca lives in hard times, and taxpayer funded orchestras are a luxury.

Anton Barkhuysen

Santa Eugenia
Dear Sir,

Having read the Daily Bulletin article about Brits holidaying at home this year, I don't think there is anything for the Spanish tourist board to worry about. I have seen a programme on TV this week (BBC Breakfast programme) which stated that hotels in the London area have put prices up by a much as 120% for the forthcoming Olympic games & the jubilee celebrations. This is seen by the hoteliers as supply & demand. Most people see it as greed.

THREE CHEERS: To the Daily Bulletin and all their friends for helping to saving the old Cinema Organ and finding it a new home. Thank you Daily Bulletin.
Pat & Dave Andrews

Dear Sir, I was shocked to hear of the proposed cuts in the subsidies granted to the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands. My husband and I spend several weeks each year in Majorca and the concerts performed by the Balearic Symphony Orchestra are one of the main attractions for us. The standard of performance is extremely high. The Balearic islands should b e proud to have such a good orchestra at their disposition. For tourists such as ourselves the orchestra is a prime tourist attraction as can be seen from the large numbers of concert goers who attend the performances. To decrease the present subsidies would be a retrograde step and the momentary financial gain should be outweighted by the long term loss.

Rae R Duncan
Ayrshire, UK