Dear Sir, CALVIA, with its large foreign resident population, I see is is again in the news - this time with the current mayor being accused by the Opposition of “wining and dining” foreign residents on rate payers' money to woo voters come election time. This reminded me of many decades past when living in the U.K., come the General Election, the Conservastive party members were very active driving electors to the polls in their cars.

One lady, when leaving the polling booth, was interviewed on her political preferences, said she always voted Labour. The interviewer mentioned that she had arrived at the booth in a Conservative car, and she replied: “Oh yes, they have much nicer cars and are so friendly, but I always vote Labour!” I wonder how many will enjoy the free meal, but still vote as they choose?
Still with Calvia, the article on the Mallorca Cricket Club this week, continues to leave the matter in some confusion. The ruling centre-right Partido Popular party (PP), wanting to relocate the club which apparently will cost the cricket club around one million euros, to make way for another sports ctivity, and even if the cricket grounds at present are privately owned, any council can obtain them by a compulsory purchase order, etcetera. With all these accusations and counter-accusations by the political parties, par for the course before an election, I wonder what the view of all of this is from the actual Mallorca Cricket Club itself. Maybe the Majorca Daily Bulletin could interview its President to hear from those most affected how they view the issue.

Graham Phillips, Palma de Majorca
Dear Sir, IT is almost laughable for the Calvia socialists to even touch on the subject of misuse of public funds following their 12 years' of mismanagement which left a debt of 140.6 million euros in 2003 when they were ousted from power.

However, this latest attack by the Socialist leader, Antonio Manchado, on Calvia's foreign department having organised meetings to inform foreign residents of their rights and obligations, clearly, in their own languages, is yet again showing the Socialist's xenophobia and that the foreign department under Socialist rule would surely disappear.

John Rule Sol de Mallorca