By Jason Moore QUESTION:Which are the only shops which appear to be thriving on the High Street in Majorca at the moment? Answer: the Chinese owned discount shops. Answer: because they offer value for money and open all hours. Answer: the small and medium sized shops are doing very badly because the credit crunch has started to bite and they are refusing to open more hours to cash-in on the few shoppers who are about.

Question: Why?

Question: What shops are struggling on the High Street at the moment?

Question:Surely it would be a good idea if they opened more hours considering the present economic climate and the fact that there are going to be fewer tourists this year?

Answer:Well, yes obviously. But unfortunately they say that their staffing costs are too high and therefore that doesn´t enable them to open more?
Question:But if they don´t open more, especially at the weekends, then they will never know if their staff costs could be counterbalanced by an increase in sales?

Answer:Well, yes.
Question:And the future?
Answer:Well, you have seen it for yourself, shops are closing down at an alarming rate and being taken over by Chinese discount shops....