By Jason Moore IF it wasn't so serious it would be quite funny. You've got the British government going from crisis to crisis (mostly of their own making), you've got David Cameron of the Conservatives who appears to have joined the wrong party and should be running the Greens and the Liberal Democrats who after their 15 minutes of fame appear to have disappeared. But meanwhile back at the coal-face car factories are being closed down, hospitals are in crisis and the only parties who appear to be discussing real issues are the smaller, more radical ones who have some very frightening agendas. If the polls are to be believed there is a real danger that the British National Party (BNP) could make some headway in the forthcoming local elections; even UKIP seems to be back. While I appreciate that there is a future threat to the environment I am slightly more concerned about what is happening in Britain now, and it doesn't have anything to do with CO2 emissions. Cameron may be still green but he looks even greener now than when he took office. I believe that the three mainstream parties have lost touch with the electorate or they are simply not listening. Any council seat which is won by the BNP is a disgrace and shows that there is an important political wasteland which appears to be growing. The three parties need an urgent wake-up call because otherwise they could have a nasty shock when the local elections take place next month. Start talking real issues and start doing your job, Blair/Brown, Cameron and Menzies.