Dear Sir,

I was interested to read your article from Humphrey Carter, Re: Property Price Increase in Majorca.
I wonder where this sudden surge of property purchasing wealth is being acquired?
Is it just another Ploy to Hype up the Sales, Like the Estate Agents effect in Britain? When there is a very serious economic situation throughout the world, thanks to ALL the Banks. Who is lending the purchasers money? I know it won't be a Spanish Bank.

My friends Tina and Nick of The Dolphin Restaurant in Sa Coma, have today been connected to the mains electricity Supply- 15 YEARS OF THEIR OCCUPANCY! Those departments responsible and the people responsible for their horrendous delays in actioning their Electric Connection, must be very proud of their speed and efficiency.

Perhaps, prospective buyers of property in Majorca, Spain, Balearics, Canaries should take heed, or note the tremendous problems they will encounter when buying property, and living in Majorca.

Yours faithfully
F.S.Jessop Grantham

Dear Sir, My two letters to your estimable publication, have certainly drawn many Israel/Jew-haters from out of the woodwork. For those unfamiliar with the reasons behind their wild and irrational diatribes against me, they should know they are not attacking my beliefs, for I did not offer them. I restricted my letters strictly to known fact and the situation as it is in International law.

It is thus international law and proven fact that have been attacking.
In reply to one of your correspondent's accusations regarding the reasons behind the negative feelings of some (by no means all) Israelis towards their Arab enemies, I did make mention of some of the thousands of atrocities of all types that Israeli men, boys, women and children have been subjected to by these Arabs, but just as in my elucidation on International Law, the terrifying crimes I mentioned are a matter of established unchallengeable fact. So I must presume they are crimes of murder, blackmail and torture etc, which these people seemed determined to excuse - providing of course that all the victims are Israelis or, maybe just Jewish! Sir, unlike these correspondents, I believe in the inviolability of international law. I also contend that the deliberate murder of innocent housewives, schoolchildren and babies are always vile, and indefensible.

And before these same correspondents write about the war in Gaza, here are some other established facts which I invite them to check: Israel had been subjected to 9'654 indiscriminate rocket attacks on their civilian population before they moved militarily. Further, prior to their attack they dropped over one million pamphlets over Gaza and sent over 100'000 emails to Gazan residents warning them of what will happen if they are housing terrorists.

No army in history has ever tried to protect an enemy civilian population as the Israelis did. It is another sad but incontrovertible fact that the Gazan terrorists used children as human shields.

Sincerely, David Lee Costa de la Calma