By Jason Moore

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was under pressure to resign last night. A former treasurer of his Partido Party gave new testimony before a judge yesterday looking into the affair, saying he handed envelopes of cash to Rajoy and other party leaders in 2008, 2009 and 2010.Rajoy has said that he will not resign but over the weekend it was reported that he sent messages of support to former Party Treasurer, Luis Barcenas, up until March. Barcenas is now in prison. The scandal looks likely to engulf Rajoy and his party and the socialist party has called for resignation. It couldn't come at a worse time for the Spanish Prime Minister with something claiming that his economic policies are not working and his government is deeply unpopular. At the same time, former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, is back on the scene. He has criticised some of Rajoy's policies telling him he should cut taxes to try and revive the economy. Spain has been dogged by alleged cases of political corruption which has hit the Partido Popular both in the Balearics and on the mainland. Former leader of the Partido Popular in the Balearics and leader of the local government, Jaume Matas, has already been sentenced to jail for political corruption and he also faces other similar charges. At a time of deep recession the last thing that Spain needs is allegations being made against its Prime Minister. These allegations do not look like they are going to go away.