Dear Sir, I was very pleased to read the letter from A. Barkhuysen (Letters 14 July) exposing that the clear aim of the late Yasser Arafat was the destruction of Israel. I would sadly point out that nothing has changed and current Palestinian, Hamas and Fatah leaders are still expressing that same aim today.

Although labelled a moderate, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is resisting efforts to get him back to the negotiating with Israel by demanding unrealistic preconditions.

He also says one thing to the international media and quite another to the Arab media and frequently honours Palestinian terrorists.
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has said “So long as our land is occupied it is our right to combine resistance and political activities” while a so called moderate PA leader JIbril Rajoub said in June this year “All of Palestine from the Jordan to the Sea is occupied”, thus implying the destruction of Israel.

Another Hamas leader, Ismael Haniyeh has said “We promise you we will not concede a single part of Palestine. We will continue to fight and we will not lay down our arms.

Many Palestinian maps do not include Israel and Palestinian children attend Hamas summer camps where they are taught how to take up arms against Israel.

Only last week on PA television two very young girls were shown reciting a poem calling Jews “barbaric monkeys,” “wretched pigs” and the “most evil among creations.

There seems to be little hope of progress towards peace while this type of message is coming from the Palestinians.
Joy Wolfe MBE
On holiday in Andraitx