Dear Sir, YOU will recall following the Dogs Like Us Charity Golf Tournament in November last year, Robert Winsor and I promised to let your readers know how things were progressing and how the 70'000 euros was being spent.

Sadly we have to report that some seven months later, we appear to be no further forward.
The land that Calvia told us could be used to extend and improve conditions for abandoned and ill treated animals has yet to be formally assigned to SOS Animals and although I am sure this will happen in the fullness of time, we have been unable to commence any improvements. In fact we have been advised not to commence any work whatsoever until this is done.

Additionally, I gather that as this land is zoned as aggricultural land, we need a licence from the Council of Majorca to build any additional kennel facilities and that obtaining a permit to do this could take anything up to two years.

There is an exisiting building on the land that I understand was built as an incinerator some 30 years ago but has never been used. SOS Animals has a benefactor that is committed to renovate and use this structure for the benefit of the animals once the necessary permissions have been granted. Meanwhile it stands derelect and useless. Once the paperwork is in order, the actual work shouldn't take very long, and although we believe that Calvia want this project to go forward, we feel extremely frustrated and embarrassed at the delays. We had such generous support for the Dogs Like Us Golf Tournament and would have liked to do another one this year, but until we make some progress we are unable to do so. Meanwhile, the only ones suffering are the animals who are in such crowded conditions in the heat of the Summer.

Finally I should like to assure everyone who so generously donated time and money to help SOS Animals, that we are committed to completing this project as soon as possible.

Sincerely Robert Winsor MBE and Glenda Dean