AS a former British soldier who opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq from the outset, I find it hard to believe that anybody can still believe that we should be in either place or that we can win in either place. The simple fact is that invading and still being in these two countries have made us a target for Islamic extremists only they probably call them selves patriots, if England was invaded, I would fight as did a part of the French, Dutch, Belgium, Polish and other populations in the second world war. The Russians lost in Afghanistan in the 1980's and they had far more soldiers and equipment there than we have. We also failed in the long-term in the 1st and 2nd Afghan wars in the 19th Century when we had the most powerful Empire and military forces on the planet. Our soldiers are being killed and maimed for a lost cause as we lack the forces, equipment and the money required to secure victory and as soon as we leave these countries, this year, next year or the year after, the Taliban will walk straight back in and it's all been for nothing. Quite apart from the loss of life and the injured, the money being spent on these futile wars is money that should be spent in Great Britain, not on futile, lost causes, we are no longer a world power, what do the Politicians not understand about that? This is not an attack on our soldiers, as I was proud to have been a soldier but the wars I fought, I believed were right, that we could win and were fought in these islands or in territory that we held jurisdiction over. True, soldiers of all ranks obey the orders they are given by the Politicians which is why this is not about the soldiers but about these stupid, lying Politicians.

Yours Sincerely

Sean Dobson, ex-Santa Ponsa now Bury, Lancashire