Dear Sir, I AM a regular visitor to Pollensa. This year I found the resort in decline; it used to be a peaceful place to stay. 1. An increase in the number of street vendors, each with a portable generator which expelled odourous fumes. In fact the vendor outside the Daina Hotel stored highly inflammable fuel in a plastic water container, highly dangerous. 2. Street musicans constanting begging for money after a limited two-minute recital!! 3. Children letting off fireworks on the walkway from 6pm until well past midnight. Perhaps the local authority will consider enforcing safety regulations as well as dog pooh bins! Reg Bennetts, by e-mail. REPLYING “from Mars” to Mr. McGaughey of the U.S. letter (Bulletin Letters to the Editor, Tuesday 25th July), there may have been a misunderstanding which I would clarify. The national debt has truly risen from 1992, 4'064 trillion dollars to 5'674 trillion in 2000, to currently, as at 20th July this year, 8'415 trillion (not millions as in the letter published). My reference to the difference between the Clinton years and those of Bush were reflected in the Federal Budget, which, when Clinton came to power in 1992, was running a deficit of 290 billion dollars. When he left power it was in surplus to the tune of 127 billion, and as at September 2005 under Bush, it is again in deficit by 318 billion. On the other point of Begin being the “first” prime minister, a printing error is really splitting hairs, as the main point was that a wanted terrorist became a prime minister, and sight of that fact should not be lost. As far as Bush being “elected” in 2000, the vast majority in the world hold a different opinion to die hard Republicans, just like the reasons for invading Iraq. Mr. Scott of Binissalem, being an American, can best answer Mr. McGaughey's remarks on boundary changes vis-a-vis electors, that is, if he feels it is worth answering.

This year, during my stay from 4th to 18th July, I observed the following:

Dear Sir,

Graham Phillips, Palma de Majorca