Dear Sir, REGARDING the proposed sinking of a vessel in the Palma waters to create a reef for divers and fish, you may be interested in the following. There were a series of sinkings in 1990-1991, in the waters outside Miami USA. All were a complete success. One of these was sponsored by Belzona, a company who provides repair systems for marine problems. They converted a barren sand landscape with very little life into a thriving marine community. After years upon years of studying the issue in Florida, the only remaining concern is that ships sometimes move during hurricanes, and there is worry that they might collide with a natural reef. The reality is that where this has happened there was some minor, temporary reef damage, but the habitat loss associated with it was far less than the habitat gained by the artificial reef itself. About the only weapon left is that they are “not natural” and therefore should not be there. I would say that a forest is better for the planet than a desert, even if it has to be initially planted by man. I hope that the proposed sinking goes ahead as there are certainly more benefits than hazards.

Niels Svendsen, by e-mail.