By Humprey Carter

I was just about to drop off the other night when I was suddenly brought back to my senses by a distant rumble of chanting. It was 00.30 and I live just off Jaime III in the very centre of the city and well away from the late night bars. I tossed and turned in the heat, expecting the revellers to take a detour away from the area but they didn't. And, as they got closer and noisier, I began to clearly hear the chants of ‘Chelsea Chelsea' (I support Arsenal!) before being given a series of renditions of Chelsea songs. Made me proud to be British living in Majorca - not! And, it appears that noise is becoming an issue across the capital, in areas once deemed residential and peaceful. I have a certain sympathy for those who live in La Llonja, but that has always been a late night district.

But, it's not just La Llonja residents, who have been battling for a peaceful night's sleep for over a decade, communities are up in arms across the city centre.

Granted, all the bars have signs up asking their clients to be quiet and doors are closed while decibel levels are adhered to however, the problem is being fuelled by the smoking ban which is forcing groups of revellers out on to the streets for a smoke and a quick chat in the very early hours of the morning.

Not only are they keeping people awake, they are also leaving mountains of butts behind.

Mayor Mateu Isern said cleanliness and security are his two primary concerns, well he knows where to start.