Dear Sir,
Having travelled and worked extensively in the Middle East and North Africa I feel compelled to comment on today’s Bulletin article by Mr Alaeddin Karmand about the situation in Syria specifically and the Arab world in general.What Mr Karman is articulating is the same old general “conspiracy theory” that you will hear on the Arab street and in the coffee shops i.e. that all their regional troubles can be laid at the feet of the “Great Satan” the USA and its staunch support for Israel.Whilst the USA has made some disastrous decisions for the region, not least the decision to invade Iraq, it is not the prime reason for the current problems and you readers should understand that fact. Yes, the USA should be held to account for its mistakes as should the old British and French colonial powers.
However, from my observations the main problems today in the region are corruption, grossly unfair distribution of wealth and the miserable existence and lack of opportunity and education for over 60% of the population that is young and looking for the chance to have a better life. When Mr Mohamed Bouazizi set himself alight in Tunisia in December 2010 he was not protesting against the USA or the West or their policy towards Israel. He was protesting against his own government that left him and the majority of his community without opportunity and dignity. That act of self immolation, and the others that followed, were the real source of the “Arab Spring” and today’s problems.What the Bulletin should be doing is not giving the likes of Mr Karmand the opportunity to promote their narrow street view of what is happening in the Arab world but conveying facts and opinions from true investigative journalism.
Mario Cataldo
Portals Nous

Dear Sir,
To say I enjoyed Humphrey Carter’s Wednesday interview with Allaeddin Kamand is not the right verb – but I appreciated it very much. What it said was disturbing but already known to me. It needs to be put to a larger Western Audience. In my over simplified appreciation of the Arab/Muslim view of the Middle East is one of American’s unlimited duplicity tied to the needs of Israel.
It is down to them when they support Military Dictators but equally their fault supporting the Arab/Islamic Spring overthrowing them. Many go further than accusing the US of support but downright involvement. It is 1434 in the Moslem year and in some areas Arabia resemble Europe way back in 1434 AD. Places like Afghanistan for example are in no hurry to fast forward 500 years either for democracy or women’s lib. Our Henry VIII would not have approved either.
Mike Lillico