Dear Sir,

With the recent official endorsement of John McCain as the Republican candidate for President being formally made this week, a worrying thought crossed my mind: This was the man considered 2nd (or 3rd) best in 2000 to George Bush. After the eight years of debacle under Bush and regime, is the choice of Republicans only a 72-year-old man, who failed when he was in his “prime” and against Bush? No wonder Sarah Palin, hitherto virtually unknown (nationally) ex beauty queen, gun voting, moose burger eating, against abortion and seemingly from recent reports indifferent to preservatism of the environment and wild life like polar bears and whales in the backing for more oil etc. and big business interests, has received such rapturous acclaim.

Whilst initially the party faithful will be grateful to have someone younger and more lively than McCain, being only a “heartbeat” away from the Presidency (if McCain wins) is, as our American cousins put it, “a whole different ball game” as the prospective “most powerful person in the world” Britain in particular and the EU in general, after having experienced the fall out from U.S. policies and actions (or lack of them) during the Bush years needs to seriously think about the present, existing close tie-up with all things American.

Europe is big enough to start being somewhat more independent of the U.S., and have all the potential to be a leading light in world affairs, rather than continue to just “follow my leader”, especially if McCain wins, and we have more of the British mentality driving the world to whichever destination.

Yours sincerely,

Graham Phillips