Palma residents complain of aggressive "real-estate harassment" on behalf of foreign buyers

"Does all the black money in Europe come here?"

Square in Palma's Sa Gerreria area. | Pere Bota


The Canamunt Residents Association in Palma has denounced real-estate harassment to which some residents are being subjected. One resident, who is renting, explains: "On Thursday morning, two well-dressed men came to my building and went apartment by apartment asking if any of us wanted to sell. They offered cash and asked directly for the owner.

"Whey they insisted on asking for the contact information of the owner, I refused to give them it. They confirmed that there was a lot of demand for homes, but from foreign clients."

These were two Spanish men, who indicated that there was "a huge amount of demand for homes and not enough supply." "I'm going to give them the phone number of the owner of the apartment? Why? So he can kick me out and a foreigner can move in? In my building, which is in the Sa Gerreria area, many neighbours have left recently. Couples with children, fellow workers, neighbours who want their children to live here cannot. Then you walk past Plaça Raimundo Clar and the terraces are filled with foreigners."

This transformation of the neighbourhood has led to a change in local businesses: "We don't have a fruit and veg shop or a shoe shop. Coffee costs five euros and they serve you avocado. We have cafes for cyclists, but not for locals. I've had a contract for more than ten years. I take care of my landlord's apartment, and he takes care of me. But they keep leaving ads in our mailbox for investors looking for an apartment and paying in cash. Does all the black money in Europe come here?"

A residents association statement reads: "We denounce these aggressive and speculative practices that endanger the coexistence and access to housing of the neighbourhood's residents. We do not want to become a showcase for tourist investments or a theme park for foreigners with dollars. Housing is a right, not a business. Our neighbourhood is not for sale."