Dear Sir,

I was pleased to read your paper once again highlighting the problem of bogus gas inspectors which appears to be widespread. Coming from a country like England where letting gas/electricity men into your home is common practice, it is not surprising so many have been stung including my family.

There is no reason to feel suspicious of these men at all. They arrive in uniforms similar to the Repsol colours, they carry photo i.d., they have stationery again all in Repsol colours and even when they are totting up their ill gotten gains, they have plenty of papers making everything seem totally legitimate.

It was only the vast sum they charged (500€) that alerted us by which time many would think it's too late to do anything about it. It isn't.
We called the police immediately and were surprised the men were happy to stay and meet the police with no intention of fleeing. We were also surprised they were not arrested. Obviously this horrid practice that preys on the vulnerable is not illegal. It should be. My advice to anyone reading this is to follow the advice I was given by Capdepera Police, “Do not let anyone into your Majorca home that you are not expecting.” Sad, but true.

Edwina West

Dear Sir,

Humphrey Carter's article rightly points out that Oxbridge leads the world in turning out bright young things destined for great careers in their chosen fields. Sadly the British system also has a great number of educational institutions who are not worthy of the name “University”.

These are inhabited by second rate academics putting on low standard courses for people who are going to university to delay the inevitable at huge cost. Why do all these youngsters need to be university educated when there are no jobs available for them but when the country is crying out for good well trained practical tradespeople ?

Until the country wakes up to the fact that we have a huge inbalance in our further education and training system we will continue to face grave skills shortages whilst our dole offices will be thronged with young people clutching degrees that are worthless. Yours sincerely

Phil Bland
West Yorkshire