By Jason Moore S PAIN is going through a rather unusual time. The Basques and Catalans are demanding more power and there are some who fear a break-up of the Spanish nation. The leader of the opposition Partido Popular, Mariano Rajoy, called on everyone last week to fly the Spanish flag to celebrate Spain Day. Both Catalans and Basques are due to hold referendums on home rule which has upset the rest of the country. There is even controversy over some councils not flying the Spanish flag! While much has been written about this state of affairs in the Spanish media I do not think there is any real reason for concern. I sincerely doubt that Spain will break-up with Catalans and the Basque going their own ways. I think Spanish Prime Minister Rodriguez Zapatero was right to open negotiations with the outlawed Basque terrorist group, ETA, because as the peace process in Northern Ireland has shown us, dialogue is the only way forward. More dialogue is needed if Spain is ever to resolve the crisis in the Basque Country and I think through dialogue the more moderate nationalists can be brought onside. Cool and calm heads are what are needed at the moment and the antics of a few radicals should not be allowed to upset the rest of the country. I don´t think the fact that a small number of councils do not fly the Spanish flag is a major problem (afterall some of the bigger councils in Britain flew the Communist flag at the height of the Cold war). Spain is a great country, it is not in danger of break-up but I think the time has come to discuss the Catalan and Basque problem in a sensible manner. This country has a great future.