By Jason Moore

THE British political elite had a golden opportunity to destroy the BNP and their evil and awful policies on Question Time the other night but they failed; Jack Straw the former home secretary was asked four times did he believe that the government´s immigration policies had failed and at the same time helped the rise of a far-right party, and he was unable to answer.

Four times he tried to change the subject. One of the main points that people in Britain are most concerned about at the moment is immigration and it is quite incredible that a government minister of Straw´s calibre was unable to give a straight answer.

Unless, the political mainstream starts taking this question seriously then I can see the BNP gaining more votes. I can´t see the BNP advancing much but what they do say will strike a chord with some people. We are living in dangerous times;, apart from the severe recession and record unemployment MPs have also seen their credibility damaged by the expenses row. The three parties should pool their resources and go out and destroy the BNP but with policies not just words. No-one wants to see a repetition of the European elections when the BNP polled thousands of votes but unless action is taken, there could be further shocks.