Shops in Palma, 10 Cent bingo
I came here 3 years ago to live and even then there were comments about the shops being closed when the cruise ships or other events were here/on.
3 years have passed and still the shopkeepers complain they have no trade but refuse to move with the times! Don't they understand that they need to open when customers are around not suit themselves and still complain?
Arrogancy still reigns - not common sense!! Also to bring up another subject, the 10 cent bingo raids, what a waste of public money and police time! If the police spent their time looking out for speeding motorists with mobiles clamped to their ears, motorists who insist on leaving it to the last moment before crossing 3 lines of traffic and going for an exit with total disregard for other motorists, and those that must be in front even when in 300 metres they are turning off braking hard and cutting across you, not only would they make money from fines but would make the roads a lot safer!! No it is easier to go for the soft (old ) targets than to do a proper effective job!! After all its big criminal business this 10 cent bingo and we need to ensure every one is licenced don't we?
All I can do is laugh at the farcical behaviour of most of people in authority on this island, after all you can't do anything about them as they are always right and ignore any protests from us plebs

John Layton
Ses Covetes