BBC and ITVTelevision
Dear Sir,
The BBC are still fools not to advertise on ALL their TV Channels. Thus reducing, or at best stopping the licence fees.
ITV are even more foolish. Advertising in Europe could further increase their revenues from Ad’s. They should invite Company’s from their Satellite footprint areas, to advertise. As should the BBC. Instead of taking this stupid mean attitude to prevent expats etc, from seeing UK programs. It is very short sighted, nasty, and downright commercial madness. Whoever is responsible for these actions, by both TV businesses, are complete idiots, and should be fired!!!

Dear Sir,
I do not understand why there is the rejection of Oil exploration around the Balearic Areas.
If you have had an article of explanation, would you forward a copy of the Article please.
It really is beyond my comprehension, that The Balearic People do NOT want the increased prosperity and revenues, should Oil be found.
Dear Sir,
Winter Tourism has dropped dramatically this Winter. I sent several e-mails with suggestions for possible Winter Attractions. “MAJORCA IS CLOSED “.
If you still have them on file, or were they published. I would be obliged if you could forward them to The Minister for Tourism.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully
Grantham, Lincs.