The Potting Shed

The Dreaded processionary caterpillar

Interview with Guille Sarnovich


Always searching for great sources of gardening knowledge I was lucky enough this week to meet Guille Sarnovich who is a member of the Mallorca Gardeners facebook group.
Guille was born In Buenos Aires but has lived on the Island most of his life and started working with gardens at the age of 18 completing qualifications in landscape design in Madrid and eventually forming his own business.

Guille Sarnovich

A very knowledgeable and experienced gardener, Guille spoke with great enthusiasm for the subject and explained that he likes to help spread information and knowledge when and where he can. The Mallorca Gardeners group is a great forum for him to do just this and I’m sure many have benefitted and appreciate the help and advice he gives. Before meeting him he once told me he is always happy to help because he ‘loves talking about plants’, I confirm that he really does.

I had wanted to meet with Guille to speak about many things and get his expert views on ideas in the gardens. With humour we agree to differ on whether now is an exciting time for Vegetable/fruits in the garden (I think it is!), for me it’s a great vegetable planting time for others the time is right for planting trees, shrubs, sowing lawns and such things.

What we often forget is how to protect trees and plants and potentially ourselves and pets from harm in our gardens and it’s this that we discussed among many other things.

Guille explained to me that now is the time of year that those with pine trees should be thinking about treating them against infestation by the processionary caterpillar. The caterpillars are a public health hazard as the hairs on them which can blow in the wind can cause severe skin irritations and rashes to humans and can cause potentially devastating injuries and in some cases death to our pets particularly dogs.

They can also kill the tree itself as at the larvae stage of their lifecycle the caterpillar directly feeds on the pine needles. However, if this tree has been injected at its base then the small caterpiller will injest this and die before they become a problem.

The tree is injected at the bottom of the trunk

Endotherepy is a process of injecting the tree with a specific substance at its base. The substance is carried though it’s vascular system avoiding any contamination of the trees surrounds or any water systems. Guille tells me that many people often do not think of treating the trees until the caterpillar is visible but it is vital to deal with the issue now before they become a problem.

Whilst the process itself is not that difficult , you do need a professional license to buy the relevant product which ensures the job is done correctly.

The benefits of using the injection verses the spraying method are:
. Prolonged effectiveness of one year, thus avoiding possible resistance to the product.
. No or very little water consumption.
. Technique with no environmental impact. Safe for the person applying it and for other people and animals.
. The substance only affects the insects that feed on the plant and damage it.

Disadvantages of spraying the pine trees verses using the injecting method:
. It is less efficient, the spray can easily be blown away by the wind and washed off by rain.
. Its more difficult to spray every part of the tree.
. Spray pollutes the environment, soil and water in the vicinity. It can also be harmful to humans and animals.
. It is more costly than injection as you need to spray every few weeks to ensure each leaf has been touched. The injection system can protect your pines for one or two years.
. Sprayed pesticides can kill off the birds, bees, beneficial bacteria and worms in the soil.
Thank you Guille for this information, if you would like to know more please contact: / info@doctorpino

Whats Happening in the Carolinamoon Garden?

Nasturtium Flowers

It’s been a great month in my garden, we have had some rain and I’m still harvesting peppers galore. The new plantings of broccoli and cauliflower are growing well and there are more, planted a few months ago, ready for harvest.

Autumn snack of late Strawberries

Looking around the garden this morning I picked a few strawberries, noted that the onions are finally standing upright after objecting to being split from their seed pots to be planted out and I still have sweet potatoes to harvest.

The onions finally standing upright

The broadbeans are sprouting happily and the last of the loofahs are drying out on the vine. I planted more green zebra tomatoes out at the end of August and they are looking good... how lucky are we gardeners with this brilliant weather.

Green Zebra Tomatoes

I’d love to see and share what’s happening in your garden, please do send in your photos. If you’d like to find out more about my garden experience please do follow my blog on

Beautiful Halloween Pumpkin Display

Beautiful Halloween Pumpkin display

Claudia Kruppel from Plant Presents sent in this wonderful collage of how to put together a pretty pumpkin display for if you'd like something different for a Halloween Decoration. Thank you Claudia.