Etiqueta 'Majorca gardening'
Gardening at Mallorca International School
This week they have been looking for snails which they loved finding and putting in the bucket.
"Our garden gives us treasures"
Meet Ines and Sean who moved to Mallorca in 2017 and own a beautiful private garden filled with Lavender, “Can Lavanda”.
Ladies of the Garden
Are they a help or a hinderance? Hens are a great ground clearance team but watch out because they will clear your ground of tasty plants and beneficial bugs too!
So... what has all this to do with gardening ?
"Oh dear and all to do with recycling a few plastic trays from the supermarket!"

Gardening in Mallorca just never ends
Our worst enemy here in the Mediterranean is the harsh gale force winds that blow up from time to time.
Eating for Free!
Find out what you can eat for free in the country side with excellent guide Uta. A walk which can be tailored to a groups needs in Spanish, Catalan, German or English.