
5 Anti-Inflammatory superfoods you must try!

Improving your diet is within your reach


Inflammation is not always a bad thing for our bodies. Often it is a natural immune response, which means that when the body detects that something is wrong the area becomes inflamed and allows it to heal, releasing a series of substances whose purpose is to fix the problem. In these cases it would be called acute inflammation, but if it is magnified and happens continuously it can become a chronic problem.

More than 30% of Spaniards suffer from stomach problems according to the Spanish Digestive System Foundation. It may be due to poor diet or genetics, or a predisposition to it. The consumption of trans fats, abuse of processed foods, refined sugar, red meat, gluten, alcoholic beverages and refined vegetable oils are the main source of inflammation. In addition, these foods that are harmful to us often coincide with those that cause oxidation in the body.

Bad digestion can also be caused by other reasons such as: constipation, eating fast without chewing, stress or anxiety, hormonal changes and many other things. The question is: How can we cure inflation or reduce it? Well, this can be achieved by changing our diet, as the basis of the problem is usually the food we eat.

When nutritionists present us with a diet plan, they usually choose to include foods that are anti-inflammatory. Here we tell you what they are:

1. Blue fish

Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and many vitamins necessary for the body, they can also be found in seaweed, seeds such as chia and flax, walnuts and extra virgin olive oil. It contains B vitamins, D, phosphorus and a high protein value.

2. Green tea

Contains epigallocatechins, which is a substance found in green tea that acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. As it is a natural remedy it is advisable to drink two to three cups during the day to notice the effects, and if we add ginger its effects increase.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli contains a lot of sulforaphane, an antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic property found in a wide variety of vegetables, but the most important are broccoli and cabbage. They also provide beta-carotene, vitamin C and E and selenium.

4. Foods rich in probiotics

As they contain live micro-organisms, they are foods that promote the recovery of the intestinal flora, helping to reduce inflammation in the stomach. These foods include natural yoghurts and kefir.

5. Pineapple and strawberry

The first fruit is pineapple, thanks to its bromelain content, which is an enzyme that contributes to aiding the digestion process, among many other things. The second is strawberries, which contain approximately 30 anti-inflammatory components.