Crew focus in Mallorca

From scientist to yacht deck/stew and yoga enthusiast in Mallorca

I have my STCW, powerboat level 2, Security Awareness, Crowd Management

I left my world to teach yoga in the North of Bali to orphans and Balinese mums. | Erica Lay


Each week Erica Lay, owner of EL CREW CO International Yacht Crew Agency talks to a crew member currently in Mallorca either seeking work or based here to learn a little more about our local yachting community. For more info on any of our stars featured here, you can contact Erica directly on

Today I’m speaking with Belen Martinez Garcia, from mainland Spain. She arrived in Mallorca in November ready to find her next role as Deck/Stew, hopefully with some Masseuse and Yoga Teacher duties too!

What attracted you to the island?

It's a captivating paradise that has long danced in my dreams. Mallorca combines tranquility, adventure and luxury. I can ride my bicycle, hike to the peak of a mountain and find an amazing job.

What's your background before yachting?

I was a scientist in a genetics laboratory for 13 years before deciding to give yoga and massage a try. I left my world to teach yoga in the North of Bali to orphans and Balinese mums. Then moved to India, where I was a Masseuse as well.

When/how did you join the yachting industry?

I met a boy on Tinder who talked about yachting, and mentioned that I would be a good fit. I thought that it could be the next stage in my journey, so I did my STCW courses in Malaga the following month. Although my first job did not exactly match my expectations it helped open the door to other opportunities. I just had a good but crazy season, starting out in the shipyard near Barcelona working on Sunshine, a 35m wooden schooner, sanding and painting. I then moved onto a 30m SY in the Med, then joined 60m SY Perseus 3 in Tahiti!

If you didn’t work on a yacht, what do you think you’d be doing?

I would be lost somewhere in Indonesia traveling, teaching yoga, riding a scooter, carrying a backpack.

What training have you done?

I have my STCW, powerboat level 2, Security Awareness, Crowd Management.

Any achievements or special things stick out?

I studied Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. I have an analytical brain, but I love Yoga and spirituality as well. I wanted a deeper knowledge so I trained in Kundalini, Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin and Acroyoga, so I could understand how this ancient discipline can help me and help others. As a Spa Therapist I find it enriching to keep learning about health, how the body functions, how it moves and how to heal it. Then, I found out that massage can be an amazing tool (chiromassage, Thai and Ayurveda, facials). And I love to share this knowledge.

What’s the best thing about your job? And/or the most rewarding?

Traveling the world, meeting amazing individuals. Creating adventures while I learn about everything.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Being close to the ocean, enjoying its changing mood and the life it offers. And due to the lack of space, and stress, yachting has helped me to understand myself better, and try to manage my reactions and feelings in the best way possible.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

Finding the real human beings behind the masks. I really enjoy true connections.

What would you like to do next?

I would love to find an amazing and vibrant team, where everyone can grow while we take care of each other.

Think back to when you were completely green – what advice would you give yourself?

Be more patient, opportunities come to you at the right moment.

What’s your dream yacht to work on?

A sailing yacht that travels around the world.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Keep learning, backpacking, riding my bicycle, reading books, tanning.

What’s the most memorable guest request you’ve had?

One guest insisted each drink be served leaving two fingers of distance from the edge of the glass, no more and no less. Another guest asked me to record a guided meditation for him to sleep every night.

Who in the world would you love to have on board?

Captain Haddock, from Tin Tin, saying his famous catchphrase: Blue blistering barnacles! He is so funny when he is mad.

Any stories, thoughts, or anything else you’d like to share feel free!

I discovered this beautiful Japanese term called Ikigai that refers to self-goal in life. It combines passion, your mission, vocation and profession. I have a question for you, if you want a job that merges what you’re good at, what you love, and pays you for it, what comes to your mind? I found my answer.