Change comes to Soller Valley

2024 is already proving to be a year when the world is turning on a different axis

General view of Soller village. | JAUME QUIRÓS


I am fascinated by change and love to reminisce about how things used to be. The past, present and future are all part of our lives.

In the tourism world we have watched as the FIT’s took over from corporate tourism. That’s ‘Free Independent Travellers’ versus the likes of TUI and others who do a great job with mass tourism. In the past 50 years this has come full circle and now the FITs are considering their options and liking the security in travel that the corporates bring. Uncertainty, protecting deposits and cash paid for holidays, have brought the travel agent back into vogue.

The freedom of travel and the extra holidays enjoyed by the 2024 people has changed many things. 50 years ago, a two-week holiday in the sun, was largely all you got. Now three or four holidays a year plus the odd cheeky weekend is the norm. So much so, that many decided a second home in their favourite destination was a new ambition.

When talk happens, as it is doing right now, on the development of tourism in our world I have learnt to look for the clues. They are always there as to what is going to be the next change. Take weddings for example – a huge industry developed in Mallorca and many of us became Wedding Celebrants. We had busy summers and created wonderful ceremonies for many people. Then corporate Wedding Planners decided they could earn more by having a Celebrant on their payroll. Overnight the freelance Celebrant became almost extinct. We were there for a snapshot moment in time and now ‘freelance’ is a rarity.

Currently the window to watch is ‘take away’ food. New ideas and concepts are springing up all over Mallorca and certainly in the Soller Valley. From Sushi Box picnics on the beach to deliveries of a Chef created, three course menu to your holiday rental villa. As restaurants need to up their prices, to cover increased costs, the bespoke chef is no longer the luxury it once was.

Governments talk the talk every year about winter tourism. In Soller the work is already happening from the entrepreneurs who are alive to the latest trend in our world. Ashrams, Yoga Retreats, Boot Camps have sprung up and attract the people with money and time from all over the world. Cycling is huge business, and the offers are more sophisticated every season.

The internet nomads have created a new world of Nomad Hotels designed for those who stay for months at a time. The Internet and how it controls the world of work is already into second generation development. We haven’t seen anything yet.

The pandemic gave us a view into a world where being ‘home based’ as a family was a challenge for some, sometimes divorces were a consequence. Others absolutely loved it and could see that a work life balance worked for them. Some changed their careers, so they were able to accommodate life as they now wanted it.

The feudal system in many parts of the world is being challenged. The ‘rich do what they like and call the shots’ is being challenged. If you are rich and your workers get paid the minimum wage or less, your reputation is in tatters. This is a simplistic view but one that is widely held. No employer can be proud of only paying the minimum. In Mallorca we have a problem as the Convenio contracts are largely built around the minimum wage. The idea that workers might be entitled to bonuses or profit share is struggling to be accepted. This is one of the reasons for a very troubled work sector who are often looking to move countries, to earn more money to support their families. The economic migrants of Mallorca have history of doing this in troubled times of the past. In 2024 it is still a feature of life here.

So many questions, so many clues, plus the wars in our world. 2024 is already proving to be a year when the world is turning on a different axis. In Mallorca many will flounder, most will survive, and some will be the cheerleaders of innovation and progress.