Etiqueta 'Restaurants in Mallorca'
The food at Botànic was excellent

The food at Botànic was excellent

The food at Botànic was excellent.

Mia Naprta 14/06/2024

Arroz a banda is typically eaten with a large spoon, directly out of the pan.

Arroz a banda is typically eaten with a large spoon, directly out of the pan.

Arroz a banda is typically eaten with a large spoon, directly out of the pan.

Phoenix Media Mallorca 31/05/2024

The Josper cooked squid, parmentier and sobrasada

The Josper cooked squid, parmentier and sobrasada

The Josper cooked squid, parmentier and sobrasada.

Georgia Waters 29/04/2024

Ingo, with his key staff, Kseniia Glubokovskikh and Nico Crispino

Ingo, with his key staff, Kseniia Glubokovskikh and Nico Crispino

Ingo, with his key staff, Kseniia Glubokovskikh and Nico Crispino.

Mia Naprta 26/04/2024

Ingo, with his key staff, Kseniia Glubokovskikh and Nico Crispino


Ingo Froehlich - The German who is charming Palmanova

"Calvia Beach House has afforded me the privilege of collaborating with some of the most capable individuals in the industry and I enjoy it immensely."

Mia Naprta26/04/2024 12:31

General view of Soller village


Change comes to Soller Valley

Currently the window to watch is ‘take away’ food. New ideas and concepts are springing up all over Mallorca and certainly in the Soller Valley...

Shirley Roberts14/03/2024 15:37

Galician beef sirloin steak

Galician beef sirloin steak

Galician beef sirloin steak.

Mia Naprta 06/03/2024