From movie sets to Superyachts: Chef Ben Le Marechal’s culinary adventure in Mallorca

He’s been based on the island for 5 years and loves it

I would love to have cooked for Anthony Bourdain. | Erica Lay


Each week Erica Lay, owner of EL CREW CO International Yacht Crew Agency talks to a crew member currently in Mallorca to learn a little more about our local yachting community. For more info on any of our stars featured here, you can contact Erica directly on

Today I’m speaking with Ben Le Marechal, who’s currently working as Sole Chef onboard a Motoryacht based in Palma. He’s been based on the island for 5 years and loves it.

Q.— What brought you to Mallorca?
A. — “I was on a break from yachting, and working in the TV and Film business catering for cast and crew on big budget movies, tv dramas, commercials and music videos in London when a Facebook post for a 56m SY based in Mallorca caught my eye. I got the job, and joined them in Astilleros.”

Q.— How did you become a yacht chef?
A. — “I was living in Devon many years ago when I spotted a job advert in the local newspaper: “chef required to cook lunch and dinner for up to 30 crew in a boutique small hotel”. I applied thinking it was film crew and they must be shooting. When I went to the hotel for an interview I was greeted by a very tall and handsome Aussie guy dressed head to toe in Musto with the Vava ll logo on his jacket. He was the executive chef for the 96m currently being built in Plymouth. We hit it off, and I cooked for the crew for almost a year shoreside in the hotel during the build. When the yacht launched they offered me a temp crew chef role, so I booked my STCW and ENG1, and that was it …. Crazy really because I was just turning 40! But I loved it, it was the biggest buzz of my career!”

Q.— What is your style of cooking?
A. — “Modern European, but being an experienced chef I can turn my hand to most styles. You have to as a yacht chef.”

Q.— Any achievements stick out?
A. — “I’ve never been one for competitions, but I’ve had to please some of the world’s toughest guests! A couple years back I had the Saudi Royal family on board. As they’d made 16 restaurant reservations I thought it’d be an easy week. They arrived at 10pm, we greeted them and then I spoke to the Prince about dining. He said “a cheeseboard and some nibbles would be enough for tonight.”
I was more than happy with that request at 10:45pm. I’m heading to bed at 12.45am when the stew knocks, “the prince has asked for you.” So, I’m back in my whites and go to see him. He looks at me bold as brass and says “ Ben, what time is dinner?” My reply: “8pm tomorrow your highness?” He bursts into laughter like a Bond villain, once he stopped I reply “give me half an hour sir!” Sure enough in 30 minutes they’re tucking into wagyu fillet, and all the trimmings, followed by tiramisu. Because, I knew he’d do it! I’d prepped dinner already, it was just a case of cooking the wagyu and regenerating the veg. That’s the life of a yacht chef. Always be ready or you’re doomed.”

Q.— Best thing about your job?
A. — “I’d definitely say the travel and the locations. I absolutely love the sky on Atlantic crossings as there’s no light pollution. Plus, no guests and just the whole crew vibe is great. Crossings are the best part of the job for me!”

Q.— Favourite thing to cook and why?
A. — “I’m huge fan of Thai food, and the country. I love the freshness, the spice, the acidity, the textures, the salty notes… I also love Arabic flavours, I’m a huge fan of Persian food, Lebanese etc.”

Q.— What’s the most interesting guest request you’ve had?
A. — “I was working on a Ridley Scott movie at Pinewood Studios, and assigned to cater for the lead, a very famous Welsh/American actor notorious for being a method actor and a bit off the wall. First day on set I was informed by his PA: no eye contact. He Hates it. Then she said: all his fruit needs to be washed in Fiji water. Just bonkers … I spent 3 weeks on the set with no eye contact. Did I wash his fruit in Fiji? I’m taking that one to my grave.”

Q.— Who would you most love to cook for?
A. — “I would love to have cooked for Anthony Bourdain. And then sit and get drunk with him. He was a legend. A true rock star chef.”

Q.— In 5 years where will you be?
A. — “I think most definitely still here - the thought of living somewhere else actually frightens me. I love it here, it’s incredible.”