Britons face being barred from Mallorca
European Travel Information and Authorisation System expected this year
More travel complications lie ahead for Britons. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
Palma26/06/2023 10:34
For Britons who will have managed to have overcome the post-Brexit challenges of travel to destinations like Mallorca by the end of the summer, a new challenge is looming - the introduction of a new travel permit which will soon be needed for entering certain European countries such as Spain, France, Italy and Turkey.
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Britain's being barred! Really? This applies to ALL countries outside of EU. As we all know by now the UK is OUTSIDE of EU due to a democratic vote. Stop making it sounds that it only applying to British citizens, it's pathetic.
For anyone who might be interested. The last paragraph could mean many things to many people. I know which one I favour.
tranq tranquerActually I do the same. All it said was there’s no start date and quoted a Reuters report. Got the usual Morgan So decided to have a bit play. Enjoy you lunch.
Marvin Le MartianYou're right, bad news sells papers! Mind you, Palma is as dangerous as Detroit now so I better not go out for a coffee as I might get shot in a drive by shooting.
So, just reviewing the MDBs output recently, (selectively). We’ve got sharks frolicking about near our beaches, tourism of excess being even more excessive than ever in Magalluf and Arenal, the students ripping up their pieces of Mallorca with their own “student study trip” excesses, we have drownings, muggings, balcony falls, choked roads, the sea is too hot, the mozzies are now carrying more hideous diseases and…god help us all…D list celebrities are mobbing the snotty haunts in the hope of some desperately needed publicity, duly obliged by the MDB. Apologies for missing anything. I always get the feeling the MDB likes to talk Mallorca down. And it seems so do some of the commentators. Cheer up!
Well done lads, keep it up. Nowadays I see an interesting headline and go straight to the comments section knowing it will be far more interesting than the article itself. In fact the DB eds may have already sussed this fact hence the provoking headlines. I'm off to lunch with a top commercial lawyer over from the UK on his hols. Hopefully I will get some insight into what is really going on in that little island and its club of one.
David HollandHuh? What are you on about now? Just when I was beginning to think you're rational. I've never said anything such thing, and in fact, you're the only one who has. You are aware that ETIAS has nothing to do with refugees or anyone "sneaking across the border" or "boat people". You are aware of that, right? I understand your concerns about that, but this has nothing to do with it. Again, there is no "Britons face being barred from Mallorca". It's merely typical British tabloid sensationalist hyperbole. It has precious little to do with Brits, or Mallorca.
Morgan WilliamsSecurity is not just one door. There is as much unrest about uncontrolled and legal immigration in Europe so don’t load it as a British phenomenon. Eastern states and some med states are objecting to the European Union equatable migrant distribution scheme. Ireland has had street disturbances. And the rise of the so called right in Germany. Those whom enter Majorca through the front door leave a week or two latter. Those who are currently living in the woods between Pagurea and andriax seem very worried when the gaurdia pass.
It's not entirely clear what you're getting at, but it appears to be a complaint about the "boat people", which will exist anywhere that there's dramatic wealth disparity in the same geography. But that has nothing to do with this. Back to the point: There is no "Britons face being barred from Mallorca". It's merely typical British tabloid sensationalist hyperbole. It has precious little to do with Brits, or Mallorca.
Morgan WilliamsThe European scheme is some challenge. Many ports of entry and egress in 28 states . That’s some integration challenge. No doubt the U.K. will follow the trend but with the advantages of fewer front doors. To hold back friends and rule followers And like the southern USA boarder , Schengen east and Mediterranean boarder the U.K.s back doors and windows are unlocked and vulnerable to those who are not rule followers.